# Changelog

SLYR is continually updated as a response to:

  • User requests: we listen and act so make sure you contact us if you come across any bugs, or you have an idea on how SLYR can be improved.
  • Software development: as QGIS and ESRI continually improve their applications, we endeavor to include any new functionality or changes in SLYR rapidly. If you think we have missed something, please contact us!

# SLYR Version History

Version Date Details
7.5.2 2024-08-27 Fix exception when reading some APRX documents. Handle very old QML file conversion.
7.5.1 2024-08-14 Fix some exceptions when converting. Don't convert ArcGIS layout items placed at massive distances away from page bounds.
7.5.0 2024-08-06 New icon (thanks to Septima!). Convert Picture annotations, Text in Rectangle annotations, and marker halos (all require QGIS 3.40). WMTS conversion improvements. Improved exports of categorized renderer to ArcGIS Pro formats. Fix QML conversion tools for non-English locales.
7.4.4 2024-07-17 Support reading embedded pictures from PAGX files. Ensure all layouts from APRX files are converted. More dynamic text label conversion for ArcGIS Pro projects.
7.4.3 2024-06-25 Improve exports of raster layers to ArcPro formats. Fix visibility of layers in ArcPro exports.
7.4.2 2024-06-11 Fix compatibility with QGIS 3.38. Fix conversion of style libraries with unnamed symbols. Fix converting corner grid labels.
7.4.1 2024-05-24 Preliminary support for converting QGIS font markers to ArcGIS Pro symbols.
7.4.0 2024-05-09 ArcGIS Pro 3.3 support. Misc fixes.
7.3.0 2024-05-05 Add support for converting ESRI "Mobile style" files. Initial support for convering ArcGIS Pro text symbol markers. Add a direct "QLR to LYRX" tool. Convert ArcGIS Pro heatmap layers to QGIS.
7.2.4 2024-03-25 Fix converting some very old ArcMap raster layers, improved Python expression conversion. Fix exception when converting some raster class breaks. Add support for ArcGIS Pro xy event sources, exporting delimited text layers to ArcGIS Pro.
7.2.3 2024-02-21 Fixes for SQL Server to ArcGIS pro layer exports. Add a direct "QML to STYLX" conversion tool.
7.2.1 2024-02-15 Handle conversion of SQL Server layers to ArcGIS Pro exports. Make text line annotation conversion more stable. Convert annotation layer names, checked status. Convert When, IsEmpty arcade expressions.
7.2.0 2024-01-16 Much improved AVL conversion. Fix some issues with converting data to GPKG. Allow algorithms to write QGZ files. Fix compatibility with QGIS < 3.14
7.1.5 2023-12-31 Fix APRX exports when layers have non-english characters, handle conversion of marker rotation via symbol overrides
7.1.4 2023-12-08 Much improved ArcGIS Pro exports
7.1.0 2023-11-16 Support for ArcGIS Pro 3.2. Add tool to convert APRX/MAPX to QGS and data to GPKG. Much improved layout label item placement. Support conversion of some Data Interoperability layers (TAB, GeoJSON, WFS). Improved WMS layer conversion. Better conversion of joined layers. Improved scale bar conversions. Don't skip layers with Picture Line symbols.
7.0.0 2023-10-11 Introduce conversion of representation renderers. MANY improvements to symbol and layout conversions. Convert attribute table properties. Add filters to style and stylx to QGIS algorithms. Require QGIS 3.10+.
6.4.8 2023-08-29 Fix some exceptions
6.4.7 2023-08-25 Fix conversion of size visual variable with arcade expression
6.4.6 2023-08-17 Fix raster GDB layer loading from ArcGIS Pro documents
6.4.5 2023-08-14 Convert QGIS expressions to Arcade when exporting to ArcGIS Pro documents. Misc fixes.
6.4.4 2023-08-02 Convert field alias, attribute table configuration when converting ArcGIS documents. Add support for converting to and from ArcGIS Pro definition queries.
6.4.3 2023-06-26 Greatly improved ArcGIS Pro APRX project export. Improved conversion of QGIS graduated symbology to ArcGIS Pro. Convert RGB composite gamma values. Improve logic for resolving paths from mxd documents.
6.4.2 2023-06-12 Many fixes for ArcMap annotation conversion and PostGIS connection conversion. Improved page layout label conversion. Fix marker rotation conversion in some circumstances.
6.4.1 2023-05-29 Support for converting raster layers in GeoDatabases (requires up to date QGIS). Initial support for QGIS SVG marker exports to ArcGIS Pro formats. Initial support for symbology "map unit" size exports to ArcGIS Pro. Improved grid and graticule conversions. Add some support for converting legend description texts. More support for layout dynamic text conversions. Support for ArcGIS Pro layout table frame conversions. Add support for converting text annotations along curves (requires QGIS 3.32).
6.3.1 2023-03-31 Convert project type dynamic text. Show friendly errors when trying to open corrupt ArcGIS Pro files. Fix various exceptions when importing certain ArcGIS Pro files.
6.3.0 2023-03-17 Support for converting ArcGIS Pro graphics layers. Add algorithms to directly convert LYR/LYRX files to SLD. Implement basic conversion of QGIS rule based renderers to ArcGIS Pro layers with display filters. Support conversion of ArcGIS Pro display filters. Some improvements to ArcGIS pro marker rotation conversion and size of converted markers. Support for converting ArcGIS Pro layout grids. Add right click entry to layers in newer QGIS version to directly export to LYRX.
6.2.1 2023-03-01 Support for ArcGIS Pro 3.1. Fixed exception when converting pagx files.
6.1.6 2023-02-23 Add new tool for full conversion of File GeoDatabases to Geopackage, including conversion of field domains (requires QGIS 3.28 or later). Convert ArcGIS Pro layout north arrows, grouped elements, legends. Many other improvements for ArcGIS Pro layout conversion.
6.1.5 2023-02-17 Convert ArcGIS Pro xyz tile layers, improved conversion of rasters and mesh layers to ArcGIS formats
6.1.4 2023-02-09 Greatly improved expression conversion when opening ArcMap documents, some fixes for file path conversion in ArcGIS Pro file import and exports, fix some exceptions when opening ArcGIS Pro documents
6.1.2 2023-01-31 Fix reading group layers from .mapx files, fix conversion of ArcGIS Pro projected coordinate systems
6.1.0 2023-01-18 Add support for importing ArcGIS Pro .PAGX page layout files, and improve conversion of ArcGIS Pro layouts. Use relative paths when creating .lyrx and .mapx files where possible. Fix MXD metadata reading for some older ArcMap versions.
6.0.8 2023-01-12 Fix some errors on older QGIS releases, fix errors when reading ArcGIS Pro files with selection sets, fix conversion of WMTS layers from ArcMap
6.0.7 2022-11-24 Add support for converting mesh layers to ArcGIS Pro tin layers, fix scale range visibility for ArcGIS Pro layers, handle conversion of ArcGIS Pro map server layers
6.0.6 2022-11-09 Fixed issues converting some GPKG layers from ArcGIS Pro, fix exception when converting group transparency, better SQL server connection conversion
6.0.5 2022-11-09 Fixed some issues when exporting to .mapx files, convert blend modes from ArcGIS Pro, fix compatibility with very old QGIS releases
6.0.4 2022-11-04 Fix exporting to ArcGIS Pro .mapx files, convert ArcGIS Pro selection sets and page definitions, fix conversion of rasters with reversed legend classes
6.0.3 2022-10-04 Support for converting ArcGIS Pro v3 aprx files, improved FeatureService conversion on older QGIS releases, WMS conversion improvements
6.0.2 2022-09-28 Improved conversion results from ArcGIS pro files
6.0.1 2022-09-14 Support for converting ArcGIS Pro .mapx files, support for ArcGIS Pro version 3 documents, support for QGIS -> ArcGIS Pro .mapx conversion,
5.1.1 2022-07-21 Better picture conversion, fix compatibility with older QGIS releases, improved marker conversion
5.1.0 2022-07-15 Support ArcGIS Pro mesh and point cloud layer conversion, ArcGIS Pro layer metadata conversion, automatically convert some advanced Python expressions, better line marker conversions, improvements to SQL server connection conversion
5.0.1 2022-05-23 Support conversion of graduated layers to ArcGIS Pro .lyrx files
5.0.0 2022-05-12 Support for ArcGIS Pro .lyrx files (vector and raster)! Beta support for converting QGIS vector layers to ArcGIS Pro .lyrx files! Lots of other fixes to improve quality of conversions.
4.0.2 2022-04-20 Beta release
4.0.1 2022-04-12 Fixes for parsing maplex projects, improved annotation conversion, improved SQL server database connection conversion, better embedded EMF conversion
4.0.0 2022-03-28 Introduces support for converting to and from ArcGIS Pro .stylx files. Also includes hundreds of improvements for conversion of ArcMap documents.
3.18.0 2021-07-21 Improved stability when reading some LYR/MXD files. Add option to use relative paths when converting to QLR files. Add beta "Annotation Class" to GeoPackage algorithm. Gracefully handle s57/s52 objects. Fix browser drag and drop on newer QGIS. Better conversion of layout text.
3.17.1 2021-05-20 Improved quality of conversion for some projects.
3.17.0 2021-04-21 Many fixes for reading older page layouts. Convert page layout attribute tables. Convert 'normalize by percent of total' style class break renderers correctly. Fixes for diagram, marker rotation, and opacity by attribute conversions. Fix joined csv files. Convert balloon callouts on QGIS 3.20+.
3.16.1 2021-04-09 Fix reading MXD documents with symbol masking and groups enabled, fix reading of older MXD documents
3.16.0 2021-04-08 Improved simple font marker conversion
3.15.0 2021-03-09 Convert TIN layers and Point Cloud layers (QGIS 3.18+ required), add new (default) option to automatically convert simple ESRI font marker symbols over to their QGIS simple marker symbol layer equivalent, fix handling of permission errors during conversion
3.14.3 2021-02-01 Better support for reading old ArcMap 9 MXD and LYR files, and files with 3d enabled layers. Fix reading of files with Maplex dictionaries. Improvements to label placement in print layouts. Workaround a QGIS < 3.18 bug causing missing classes when a GDB layer has many categories displayed.
3.14.2 2020-12-21 Fix null date value parsing, improved parsing of point cloud layers, fix exception showing when some layers cannot be found.
3.14.1 2020-10-22 Add tool to extract SDE connection file details. Automatic conversion of Oracle SDE database sources. Convert symbol levels when converting vector renderer. Improved conversion of some maplex label placement flags.
3.14.0 2020-10-22 Add algorithm to extract layer hyperlinks to a standalone table. Convert hyperlinks to a layer action. Much improved map grid conversion. Tweaks to scalebar conversion. Layer group opacity conversion. Further improvements to data conversion algorithms.
3.12.9 2020-09-21 Improved reading of LYR/MXD documents with ArcGlobe properties. Conversion of standalone (non-spatial) tables. Improved MDB handling in project and data conversion.
3.12.8 2020-08-20 Add algorithm to convert MDB/GDB datasets from current project to Geopackage. Better debugging log output from "convert project and data"
3.12.7 2020-08-18 Fix "convert project and data" algorithm to automatically create output folder if it doesn't already exist
3.12.6 2020-08-14 Improved support for very (very!) old MXD projects. Fix conversion of gdb/mdb data files when layer has a filter set.
3.12.5 2020-08-11 New (beta) algorithm to convert an MXD to QGIS and convert all referenced .gdb/.mdb data files to Geopackage files
3.12.4 2020-08-10 Convert date filters correctly, fix for inverted graduated renderer classes in some circumstances, read more raster transform object types
3.12.3 2020-08-08 Add support for parsing more raster functions
3.12.2 2020-08-06 Fix detection of mdb-export command
3.12.1 2020-08-05 Fix conversion of labeling expression rules when rule based labeling is required. Fix loss of layer filters in some circumstances.
3.12.0 2020-07-30 Convert page definition queries to rule based renderers using atlas. Better legend conversion. Fix conversion of transparency by attribute, better vbscript auto conversion,
3.10.1 2020-05-07 Much improved legend conversion. Lots of QGIS 3.14 related goodies!
3.10.0 2020-04-09 Legend, North Arrow conversion. Much improved layout conversion (especially for QGIS 3.14). Relationship conversion support.
3.9.0 2020-03-12 Much more support for page layout conversion, including data driven pages conversion
3.8.4 2020-02-05 More beta page layout conversion support, gracefully handle renderers provided by known 3rd party ArcGIS extensions
3.8.3 2020-01-22 Convert Maplex label rotation by attribute, add algorithm to export MXD/LYR structure as JSON
3.8.2 2020-01-21 Fix loss of vbscript expressions during conversion, fix invalid default shapefile encoding
3.8.1 2020-01-20 Convert layer joins, allow conversion of XLS layer sources, improved conversion of expressions with non-latin field names
3.8.0 2020-01-17 Huge compatibility improvements, conversion of 3D Texture Fill symbols, 3D Character Marker symbols, conversion of bar charts, warn on encountering more types of corrupt layer nodes, warn on encountering compressed GDB layer sources, fixes for very old MXD document conversion, convert bi-unique Value renderers, raise warnings instead of aborting when corrupt picture data is found, CRS conversion improvements, convert legend group expanded states
3.7.2 2019-011-20 General compatibility improvements
3.7.1 2019-11-19 Fixed loss of original vector layer paths, correctly set project CRS, handle attribute based marker rotation, add support for converting Proportional Symbol renderers, general MXD and LYR compatibility improvements
3.7.0 2019-11-06 MXD support is no longer beta, and is available for all users. Also more huge compatibility improvements for MXD documents and general all round improvements.
3.6.2 2019-10-25 Huge compatibility improvements for MXD documents (again!), basic support for ImageServer layers, add support for PMF and SXD files, convert all data frames from MXD documents
3.6.1 2019-10-09 Huge compatibility improvements and support for converting more objects. Beta annotation conversion functionality. Nicer error reporting. Convert bing/osm layers. dat bookmark conversion.
3.5.1 2019-09-26 Further improvements in MXD conversion capabilities. Fix embedded picture conversion in styles, multiple decoration layers, scale range fixes, color map conversion
3.5.0 2019-09-17 Huge improvements in raster and MXD conversion capabilities. Add algorithms for batch MXD conversion.
3.4.1 2019-09-13 Raise a warning if an invalid license key is entered
3.4.0 2019-09-13 Properly fix errors on plugin updates
3.3.6 2019-09-12 Handle date values, beta drawing conversion, greater class breaks renderer, map server layer, color ramp symbol compatibility, handle raster band names. Fix error on plugin update.
3.2.0 2019-09-09 Conversion of raster RGB and unique value renderers, raster alpha bands and settings, mxd bookmark conversion (requires QGIS 3.10), much better labeling conversion (including multi-class labels), compatibility with very old symbol versions, conversion of gradient fills, allow users to set path to Inkscape binary, fix default symbols returned instead of completely empty symbols, allow conversions of some forms of multi-part color ramps
3.1.2 2019-08-26 Improved handling of relative file paths in LYR/MXD documents, more robust MXD document conversion
3.1.1 2019-08-22 Improve conversion of lines with decorations, center markers, offset cartographic lines and other edge cases
3.1.0 2019-08-09 Initial beta support for raster conversion (stretch color ramp only for now), add conversion support for multi-part color ramps, support direct drag and drop of layers ArcMap/ArcCatalog to QGIS (requires QGIS master/3.10)
3.0.4 2019-07-19 Much improved symbol conversion quality, improved label conversions
3.0.3 2019-06-17 Improved conversion capabilities
3.0.1 2019-05-20 Improve Win install process
3.0.0 2019-05-17 Experimental MXD support
2.0.0 2018-010-16 Convert almost all symbol types, pictures
0.0.1 2018-08-29 Initial kick off